There are tons of youtubers out there promoting techniques to improve your memory. They claim their method can help you read books faster and recall every nitty-gritty details of the book like you just took a mental screenshot of the book. Being a good sceptic as I am, I don’t buy any of them.

Rather than being a curse, forgetting things is actually a key function of a human brain that we need to cherish. Only by forgetting the irrelevants can we distill the most important information we need to pay attention to.

If someone were to have a perfect memory without ever forgetting the details, he/she would find it extremely hard to navigate through life, as he/she wouldn’t have the slightest idea of what is of priority and what is not.

If you find yourself hard to recall any information from a book after reading it, maybe it is because your brain deemed it unimportant. Instead of blame yourself for having a bad memory, you probably should ask yourself why you pick up this book. It can be that this book is just not for you.

Let’s not waste our time and experiment with those youtube snake-oils. Maybe a wiser approach to a “better memory” would be to eliminate unwanted content from those youtubers appearing in your timeline in the first place. So quit following them.