One thing I get coming from the covid pandemic, (other than the virus of course ๐Ÿ˜€), is that we seem to have lost any common ground to discuss anything at all. Even if putting on a face mask is good or not to prevent or even to some degree lower your risk of getting infected, is becoming a political issue. At some point, if you were to remind other people to wash hands for more than 5 seconds before having lunch, you won’t be perceived as a person with good hygiene, rather just another victim being manipulated by the conspiracy, “Don’t be a sheep man!”

Almost all programmers nowadays are taught to program in some kind of OOP fashion. It seems to me that there is a big OOP reckoning happening right now. Modernish programming languages heading further away from the OOP paradigm is an obvious trend.

Open twitter threads, you see tons of people pointing out the problems of OOP and so called best practices, while their counter partners fiercely defending them. Obviously even “Clean Code” means bad code.

Debates or dialogues, whatever you like to put it as. I think that’s the whole beauty of The Socratic Method of teaching, although you probably need to tolerate a lot of name calling and swearing, as it is unavoidable since twitter is the new public square nowadays.

Maybe it is a good thing we have no common ground to stand on anymore, so that we can stay alert to indoctrination, so that we can see the water around us, or stop being an arrogant atheist.